Millennials on Mission
Recently, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of 50 millennials at the Summit Group - the young adult ministry of South Fellowship Church.
What a treat. Millennials get way too much guff from older generations. They may be different than those who have gone before, but these kids are hitting the age to actually be change-makers and low-and-behold THAT is one of their defining characteristics as a generation. They want to make a difference.
So, imaging how cool it was for me as a speaker to come in and share my talk on practical evangelism and to see their faces light up because they "get it".
Yvonne, the director of the group, brilliantly called the series I got to participate in "the RED talks" in an ode to TED kind of way. And in this instance, RED stood for "Reality Evokes Decision".
The kind of decision she was going for was one of action. For my topic - evangelism - it was about moving beyond knowing that some do and figuring out practical ways to personally do it. To move from momentary evangelism to living life as witness.
These kids were picking up what I was putting down and I'm confident the world is going to change as a result.
Thanks Summit for having me!